cool like woah
dude i can't wait for your final game to come out way intensly cool
you depth code you motion code and well to be honest your whole code is way perfect keep it up!!!
cool like woah
dude i can't wait for your final game to come out way intensly cool
you depth code you motion code and well to be honest your whole code is way perfect keep it up!!!
about ****ing time
Well done all simple animation techs covered
do more?
check your code it doesn't work
didn't load for me
got to the program survivor and then went back to loading screen
Sorry we had a bug. An eternal loop. Fixed now.
you sir have a future
enough said
actually I have a great future behind me.
really nice
this could be an even better game if you increased the skins detail and improved upon the physics to be more realistic as far as acceleration rate
once again great job looking forward to your next game!
everything ruler except survival mode
100 a round is not enough you sould allow mining with 4 mines avalible cuse i can pump out those miners and get way more ore than that in 3 minutes and it is more desirable to have tons of units to micro manage than less, also bigger waves of enemys can come at you .
i would also reqomend making a maul option as well if you have every played warcraft 3 in the other types of games mauls were the best
great game awesome job keep up the great work you rule!
are the onyl way you could improve this game
keep making games!!!!!!!!!
good effort
the only problem is that the computer players paddle can move faster than my paddle so it is an unfair advantage
learn to code!
i dig it, what function did you use for the boucy after motion in your action script for movement i know there is some sort of rubber band function but i forget and i thnk you used a great example of it in this game!!!!
greta job!
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
this.onMouseDown = function() {
myTweening = new Tween(movclip, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, movclip._x, _xmouse, 2, true);
myTweening = new Tween(movclip, "_y", Elastic.easeOut, movclip._y, _ymouse, 2, true);
this exact code will work if you give your object the instance name movclip
the code goes in the first frame of your actions layer
you should experement with the different settings.
i understand that coding fully but cant be arsed to explain it.
interesting and fun
for the first 3 levels then it gets boring the music gets old and the motion is too slow
but it was a creative idea, if you used low quality images and used more action scripting it could be even better
try going 3d with the maps more guns and ammo limits
good effort keep trying
I'll try to improve my coding, it already has about 3k lines of code but it could have been less.
more guns and ammo are on the list,
but 3d, well not right now.
Thanks for your time.
Joined on 1/9/08